
Under review:

Sichel, Ivy and Maziar Toosarvandani. The Featural Life of Nominals.

In Press:

Sichel, Ivy. Weak and strong articles, diversity and uniformity. In Armoskaite, S. and M. Wiltschko (eds.) The Handbook of D Oxford University Press.

Sichel, Ivy and Uri Mor. In press. The double standard in Modern Hebrew. AJS Review: The Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies.


Sichel, Ivy. 2022. How resumptive pronouns ameliorate island violations. In Linnea Stockall, Louisa Marti, David Adger, Isabelle Roy and Sarah Ouwayda (eds.) For Hagit: A celebration. QMUL Occasional Papers in Linguistics 47.

Duff, John, Ivy Sichel and Maziar Toosarvandani. 2022. Redundancy and restriction in the derivation of relative clauses. In Lalitha Balachandran and John Duff (eds.) Syntax and Semantics at Santa Cruz 5.

Vincent, Jake, Ivy Sichel and Matt Wagers. 2022. Extraction from English relative clauses and cross-linguistic similarities in the environments that facilitate extraction. Languages 7.117.

Sichel, Ivy and Martina Wiltschko. The Logic of Person Markedness: Evidence from pronominal competition. Language 97.1: 42-71.

Sichel, Ivy and Maziar Toosarvandani. 2020. Pronouns and attraction in Sierra Zapotec.
In Andrew Hedding and Morwenna Hoeks (eds.)  Syntax and Semantics at Santa Cruz 4.

Sichel, Ivy and Miri Bar-Ziv Levy. 2018. The contribution of women to the emergence of Modern Hebrew. Cathedra 169:75-108 (In Hebrew).

Sichel, Ivy. 2018. Anatomy of a counterexample: Extraction from Relative Clauses. Linguistic Inquiry. 49.2: 335-378.

Sichel, Ivy and Martina Wiltschko. 2018. Demonstrative pronouns and the Linguistic Encoding of Appraisal. In Wm. G. Bennett, Lindsay Hracs and Dennis Ryan (eds.) Proceedings of the 36th West Coast Conference in Formal Linguistics, p. 365-373. Cascadilla Press.

With Aynat Rubinstein & Avigail Tsirkin-Sadan. 2015. Superfluous negation in Modern Hebrew and its origins. Journal of Jewish Languages 3.1-2:165-182

With Uri Mor. 2015. There’s freedom of state in this speech: On native Hebrew and the gashash ha-chiver (in Hebrew). Karmilim 11: 133-182.

2014. Resumptive pronouns and competition. Linguistic Inquiry 45.4:655-693.

2013. Infinitive Complements. Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics. Brill.

2013. Purpose Clauses. Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics. Brill.

With Sabine Iatridou. 2011. Negative DPs, A-movement, and Scope Diminishment. Linguistic Inquiry 42.4: 595-629.

With Nora Boneh. 2010. Deconstructing Possession. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 28.1:1-40.

2010. Towards a Typology of OC and NOC in DP. In M. Polinsky and N. Hornstein (eds.) In the Sphere of Control. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2010. Event Structure Constraints in Nominalization. In A. Alexiadou and M. Rathert (eds.) Nominalizations across Languages and Frameworks. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

With Malka Hovav & Edit Doron. 2010. Introduction. In M. Hovav, E. Doron and I. Sichel (eds.) Syntax, Lexical Semantics and Event Structure. Oxford: Oxford University Press. P. 1-18.

With Malka Hovav & Edit Doron. 2010. Syntax, Lexical Semantics and Event Structure. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

With Sabine Iatridou. 2009. NegDP and Scope Diminishment: Some basic patterns. In A. Schardl, M. Walkow and M. Abdurrahman (eds.) Proceedings of NELS 38. GLSA, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. P. 337-350.

2009. New Evidence for the Structural Realization of the Implicit External Argument in Nominalizations. Linguistic Inquiry 40.4: 712-723.

2008. Demonstrative Pronouns and Anaphora (in Hebrew). In G. Hatav (ed.) Balshanut Ivrit Te’oretit (=Hebrew Theoretical Linguistics). Magnes publishers, Jerusalem, p. 279-307.

2007. Raising in DP Revisited. In S. Dubinsky & W. Davies (eds.) New Horizons in the Analysis of Control and Raising. Springer. P. 15-34.

2003. Phrasal Movement within DP. In J. Lecarme (ed.) Studies in Afro-Asiatic Linguistics II. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 241. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. p. 447-479.

2002. Phrasal Movement in Hebrew Adjectival and Possessive DPs. In Alexiadou, E. Anagnostopoulou, S. Barbiers & H.M. Gaertner (eds.) Dimensions of Movement and the T-Model. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. p. 297-339.

2002. Pronoun Movement as Attraction. In Y. Falk (ed.) Proceedings of the Israeli Association for Theoretical Linguistics 18.

2000. Demonstrative Pronouns, Binding, and Identity. In M. Minnick Fox, A. Williams & E. Kaiser (eds.) Proceedings of The Penn Linguistics Colloquium  24.

2000. Evidence for DP-internal Remnant Movement. In A. Coetzee, J.-Y. Kim, M. Hirotani & N. Hall (eds.) Proceedings of NELS 30

1997. Two Pronominal Copulas and the Syntax of Hebrew Nonverbal Sentences. Texas Linguistics Forum 38, 295-306.